Sunday, February 6, 2011

Young Gardeners Wanted (Re-scheduled)

Young at heart.
First ever workshop announced.
According to USDA Zone Map, Washington, DC is located in Zone 7, which means our average first freeze free date is April 15th. In the past I've planted anywhere from the middle of April to early June. I've also planted as late as August and September, but that's a different topic all together.
For early season planting in DC late April is a good ballpark to strive for. During the workshop we will discuss preparing the soil, supplementing nutrients with compost, basics of crop rotation, and designing an efficient watering system for a small urban garden. There will be actual planting and getting your hands dirty as well.
The workshop will be held in our garden in Mt. Pleasant on Saturday, April 30th. (Re-scheduled for Sunday, April 17) For more information or to sign up, please respond to
I plan to start at 10 AM, and go for about two hours. It is free. Good things to bring are a trowel and gardening gloves.